Research: Editing ideas from inspiration

Before Editing:
Before Editing this is what my footage looked like. 

Black and white: 
From the John Legend video which was in black and white I decided to try to edit some of my footage to make it so see what kind of effect it had on my video. 

Firstly I needed to import the footage that I wanted to use. 

One by One I brought in the footage. 

After importing the footage I then clicked on 'Video Effects'. 

Then on 'Image Control'.

Then I clicked on 'Black and White' 

I then needed to hold the click to drop the 'Black and White' effect on each bit of footage. 

In putting the footage in Black and White it had a romantic homemade vintage feel to it. The song its self has that kind of feel to it however it doesn't all have to be in Black and White when it comes to the editing stage I can have a play around to see which bits of footage looks best in Black and White. 

After watching Wilkinson Afterglow I decided to try out adding in all the numbers to see what effect it had. 

Firstly I imported the footage that I wanted to use.

I clicked on 'Title' then 'New Title' than 'Default Still'.

I than had to name the title which I called '145 candles'.

I then clicked 'Ok' and this screen came up.

I then clicked on the 'T' button on the left hand side. 

I then typed in '145 candles' in which it came up like this. 

I was then able to change the font in which I did. 

I then clicked on the mouse button. 

I then on the right hand side went down to where there was a tick box for 'Shadow'.

I then clicked on the tick and it removed the shadow. 

I then clicked on the colour box and then I had the choice to pick the colour. 

I decided to pick a light pink colour. 

After clicking off of it I was then able to import it. 

I dragged it in to the 'Video 2' section above the footage where I wanted it to play on.

I then went to 'Video Transitions' on the left hand side. 

I then clicked on 'Cross dissolve'. 

This is what it then looked like.

Then after a certain amount it then dissolved. 

This is what the footage looked like when I added in titles. It didn't look too bad however if I was going to use this in my video it have to take some time practicing the font the the font colour to ensure it looks professional. As at the moment it doesn't look very professional and the font doesn't work with the backgrounds. So this would be something that is a maybe to use.