Planning: Premiere Pro Storyboard

Firstly I imported the audio of my song. Then I began importing the pictures and placing them on the timeline.

I then carried on importing all the pictures until they were all in the timeline.

I then highlighted all the pictures and dragged them down the timeline till they were out of the way. I then played the song on youtube with lyrics and then began matching the lyrics the pictures. I had to make sure that the pictures match the timing and lyrics exactly how I wanted.

I carried on matching up the lyrics and pictures dragging each picture one by one from the right side of the timeline and cut the length down or expanding the length so it fitted with the timings.

I kept doing that until all the pictures matched the lyrics. Making sure that there was no gaps between the pictures.

Final piece of an animated storyboard.

This is helpful as I can now see what the video should look like as an outline. I can see how long each scene would last and wether the scenes match the lyrics. I now have an idea go whether the scenes match together. In doing this process on Premier Pro its given me more practice in using it so iv gained more skills which could be used in my music video.